The Biblical Creator Dressed in African Attire

About the Book

This book answers questions such as: Was the Bible invented to enslave africans?, is the Bible hostile towards african culture, should africans forsake Christianity and return to traditional religions, is Africa the cradle of civilization?, and were Adam and Eve black? Several scholars have read and provided their brief descriptions of the book, their statements are as follows: 

“This is an important book in multiple ways. It challenges prevailing African historiographies and thereby provokes church historians to reconsider the African historical method. The book prods the biblical scholar to consider the African background as he/she looks at the biblical text. Africa was part of the Ancient Near East and gaps in African history compromise our understanding of the biblical text. To a missiologist, this is the book that provides valuable insights on the African context. Without this book, the missiologist cannot formulate appropriate strategies for Africa. If religious concubinage which has been a hallmark of African Christianity is to be addressed, there is need for a paradigm shift. It is the book that the Church administrator needs in order to resolve African issues. This is the book for our time.” Cliford Sibanda, PhD

“The Biblical Creator Dressed in African Attire’ is an excellent exposition of the African Traditional Religions’ perspective on origins that challenges people of all nations to return to their primordial roots. It answers many questions about the true relationship between Christianity and Africa and is both intellectually and emotionally stimulating. This book also illumines the reader on the role played by different nations in the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel and calls all to return to and embrace the Creator.” Stkesworth Shadeed, D Min 

“This book is a compelling read for those interested in Creation and Sabbath observance within an African cultural setting. The author traversed Africa through his writings to expose the notion of a Creator in many African cultures. The contextualization of Christ in an African setting through the lens of Creation is driven as the main argument of his book. This treatise has debunked the notion that the Bible has been used by missionaries to enslave and colonise Africans. The author challenges his readers to return to their African roots in three distinct yet interconnected ways, namely: The Original Good Creator; The Original Sabbath Rest; and The Bible.” Edward A. Appollis, DMin, PhD

About Aias A. B. Cabaça

Aias A. B. Cabaça is currently the Evangelism director for the Angolan South Luanda and Cabinda Mission, he was previously a university lecturer at the Adventist faculty of theology in Angola, an extension of Montemorelos University. He holds a master’s degree in religion with emphasis in the Old Testament; and two Bachelor’s degrees, one in Business Administration and the other in AB-Theology. Aias has lectured in the Philippines and Angola and enjoys academic research, evangelism, and chaplaincy. He is also the founder and part-time speaker for Ahijah Media Ministry, the founding president of the Angolan Adventist Theological Society, and has served as president of AIIAS ATA (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies African Theological Association).

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